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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:中外合资经营企业
  • 公司地址: 山东省 青岛 即墨区 环保产业园正望路一号
  • 姓名: 陈丰敏
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    山东青岛正望碳化硅石墨坩埚 等静压圆柱形石墨坩埚密度大耐高温

  • 所属行业:冶金 非金属矿物制品 石墨/碳素
  • 发布日期:2017-01-19
  • 阅读量:222
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:IND600#、IND905#、IND1450#
  • 产品数量:9998.00 个
  • 包装说明:木箱
  • 发货地址:山东青岛即墨区  
  • 关键词:碳化硅石墨坩埚,碳化硅石墨坩埚,石墨坩埚炉

    山东青岛正望碳化硅石墨坩埚 等静压圆柱形石墨坩埚密度大耐高温详细内容

         ①	先检查坩埚炉内壁和炉底是否完好。
         ② 检查炉壁或炉底是否有金属溶液或炉渣,如果有的话,必须进行处理,否则将腐蚀坩埚和改变火焰原有的前进方向,导致受热 不均匀,降低坩埚的使用寿命。
         ③	将坩埚放在平整、完好、略大于坩埚底部的底座上。
         ④	吊取坩埚时选择匹配的坩埚钳,坩埚钳内部必须接触坩埚,夹钳的位置必须在坩埚的中下部,防止夹坏坩埚和坩埚发生脱落。
         ⑤	燃油燃气炉,将坩埚放在合适的底座上,在坩埚与壁炉的支撑转之间 插入易燃的小木片或硬纸板进行固定,防止坩埚在受热后膨胀受阻而裂开,调整喷嘴的角度。让火焰对准燃烧室,不可直接烧到坩埚底部。
         ⑥	焦炭炉、电阻炉和感应炉安装坩埚时,应将坩埚放在炉子的*部位,以避免坩埚出现受热不均匀,导致坩埚的裂纹。
         ⑦	在坩埚的**部和炉沿之间较好使用保温棉 进行密封。
         ⑧	建议使用炉沿盖来防止坩埚因受外力的撞击而产生裂纹。
    Instruction for installation
         ①	To make sure the crucible furnace inwall and bottom well  or not.
         ②	To check whether the metallic solution or slag exist on the furnace inwall and bottom or not,which will lead to an unequal heating and  short life for the crucible due to the corrosion and the change of the direction of the flame.
         ③	Put the crucible on the flat,intact and larger-size base compared with the crucible.
         ④	In order to avoid the damage and the falling off of the crucible during the lifting process,the proper hawkbill must be used and the cintact position between the hawbill and the crucible should be at the middle and lower position.
         ⑤	For oil furnace & Gas Furnace,two points should be noticed.One hand,the space between the crucible and the furnace inwall should be filled by the incendive wood or hard board,which can prevent the crucible cracking due to the blocking of the thermal expansion.On the other hand,the flame should be aimed at the combustion chamber,not the bottom the crucible.
         ⑥	For the coke stove,resistance furnace and the induction furnace,the crucible should be put iin center position of the furnace,which can prevent the crucible cracking due to the uneven heating.
         ⑦	The heat preservation cotton should be used for the sealing between the crucible top and the furnace surrounding.
         ⑧	The cover for the furnace surrounding should be used to prevent the cracking due to the external force.
    The crucile preheating
        The preheating schedule:first,the crucible before feeding was heated to 300℃ in 3h and with a dwell time of 1h,and then heating to 900℃ or so in 2h and with a dwell time of 0.5h,,at last,the crucible was cooled  to the needed temperature. Attention,the preheating procedure should be repeated when the crucible  undergoes the moisture absorption and the reworking process.

    欢迎来到青岛正望锆碳制品有限公司网站, 具体地址是山东省青岛即墨区环保产业园正望路一号,老板是张正民。 主要经营青岛正望碳制品有限公司位于山东省青岛即墨环保产业园正望路一号,交通便利,是一家实力雄厚,专业致力于有色金属冶炼用坩埚的研发、设计、生产的外资企业。公司由国外引进先进的生产工艺,采用优质的原材料,应用较先进的等静压成型技术生产多种类型的坩埚产品。青岛正望碳制品有限公司主导产品为碳化硅石墨坩埚,产品广泛应用于纯铝、铝合金、铜、铅、铅、锌、金、银等有色金属的熔炼。公司的技术团队经过多年的研发及现场试。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 500 - 1000 万元。 我公司主要供应石墨坩埚,碳化硅石墨坩埚等,产品销售全国,深受企业用户的信任和**!期待与您的合作!